Holtar (H)

Fokkers en Gebruikers van het Fjordenpaard
Vereninging van Fokkers en Gebruikers van het Fjordenpaard
Nieuwstraat 55
4926 AW Lage Zwaluwe

Current details as of Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Registration: N1766
COI: 00.000%
Age: Unknown



Great Grandparents

2nd Great Grandparents

3rd Great Grandparents

4th Great Grandparents

Grabb (H)

Registration: N1651
COI: 00.000%

Gullring (H)

Registration: N1576
COI: 00.000%

Ivana (M)

Registration: N12275
COI: 00.000%

Tindra (M)

Registration: N13407
DOB: 1/1/67 (approximate)
COI: 00.000%

Brandsar (H)

Registration: N1648
DOB: 1/1/61 (approximate)
COI: 00.000%

Tuna (M)

Registration: N12490
DOB: 1/1/56 (approximate)
COI: 00.000%


Created with Kintraks Animal Breeder Software - www.kintraks.com